Toddlers and Preschoolers at KUMON

Exploring and understanding -

with KUMON, the little explorers develop their enthusiasm for numbers and language.

If your child counts the buttons on your blouse, loves being read to and asks lots of questions - then KUMON is the answer for you!

Children have an irrepressible will to learn. They learn wherever they go and wherever they stand, because playing and learning are one and the same for them. KUMON offers children the opportunity to satisfy this desire to learn.

At KUMON, your child is our top priority. With materials individually tailored to each child, we develop existing skills and encourage children without overtaxing them. KUMON offers learning materials that build on each other for the subjects of mathematics and English.

Why should your child start with KUMON?

Your child …
  • is curious by nature
  • will deepen their joy of study and discovery with KUMON
  • will develop self-confidence and understand that they can do anything
  • will learn new skills through play and discover an exciting world of new knowledge
  • will improve their ability to concentrate

Learn more about KUMON for Toddlers

Learn more about KUMON for Preschoolers

Encourage interest in numbers and letters.
Recommended for ages 2 and upward.

KUMON for Toddlers


Your child is growing up and developing new skills each day. Single words are becoming complete phrases and curiosity is abundant.

While many are eager to start school like the big kids, the transition to kindergarten doesn’t always go so smoothly. Fortunately, the KUMON Math and English Programme enrolls children as young as three years old and can help prepare your toddler even in kindergarten. Its early learning curriculum helps preschoolers develop important skills such as the ability to work independently, identifying sounds and letters, and strenghtening fine motor skills.

Before students can learn how to write letters and numbers, proper pencil grip and a certain level of pencil skills are needed. In KUMON’s early levels, students learn how to use a pencil and develop skills through the practice of scribbling and drawing lines, curves, and angles in a fun, colorful and engaging way. The aim is not to draw perfectly within the lines, but instead to have fun while learning to hold and use a pencil.

KUMON-Maths for Toddlers

Discovering and understanding mathematics with the KUMON method.

Your child will:

  • develop a positive attitude to learning and enjoys studying
  • discover the world of mathematics through sequential tasks
  • become aware of their successes and develop a positive self-image regarding mathematics
Maths-Programm for Toddlers
English-Programm for Toddlers

KUMON-English for Toddlers

Discover English through play - with the proven KUMON method.

Your child will:

  • acquire a positive attitude towards learning
  • learn English through reading, writing, listening and speaking
  • recognise that they can successfully complete the levels at their own pace
  • develop reading comprehension in an engaging way through colourful, fun worksheets and Instructor support
  • Exceed kindergarten expectations by developing fine motor skills

KUMON for toddlers from the perspective of parents and instructors

That's what parents say:

That's what Instructors say:

KUMON for Preschoolers

It is a perfect time to give your child a head start in math before entering elementary school. KUMON’s engaging, colorful worksheets will develop initial math skills, which includes counting and number sequencing.

Enrolling your preschooler in the KUMON English Programme will build a solid reading foundation as well as a love for reading that will benefit your child once they enter school. With every KUMON worksheet your child completes, you will see continued development and success.

KUMON-Maths for Preschoolers

You will watch your child develop mental calculation skills, improve concentration ability and boost critical thinking skills every day.

Your child will:

  • acquire a systematic approach to learning
  • acquire the confidence and self-confidence to work out new mathematical content (important for sustained success at school)
  • gain confidence in maths, gradually progressing skills through small steps in our worksheets, developing ease and fluency with each topic before moving on
Maths-Programm for Preschoolers
English-Programm for Preschoolers

KUMON-English for Preschoolers

The new milestone - entering school - will begin with a foundation of knowledge and achievement.

Your child will:
  • be motivated to learn new subjects independently (important for sustainable success at school)
  • experience feelings of success as they progress. This sparks a confidence that can lead to a love of learning
  • be taught in a playful way to follow classroom rules, be flexible to new routines and be enthusiastic about learning
  • develop their vocabulary and grasp the fundamentals of reading, word recognition and letter formation

KUMON for preschoolers from the perspective of parents and instructors

What KUMON parents say:

This is what KUMON instructors say:

Where does your toddler or preschooler start with at KUMON?

Maths Worksheet Example
English Worksheet Example
Zun Zun Worksheet Example

Counting & number recognition

Listen, speak, read, write

Pencil control skills